My Site:
Project Name: UF-ADS
For Programmers:
I'm planning on making a mochiad system for my site. I'm not sure how to do it. So if there is a programmer that is willing to help me that would be great (I am willing to pay via paypal). You will need to have a good knowlege of ActionScript (and maybe PHP might help). I'm planning on paying under $100. So if your interested contact me
For Advertisers:
When I finish making my mochiad system (called UF-ADS) I will need advertisers. So if you are interested contact me. *You will need paypal and a website that you are advertising.
For Developers
Please tell me if you want to put UF-ADS on your flash so I can get an idea of how many people want to sign up. Paypal only, you get paid-per-click every month no matter how much money you make if you make $1 or $1000 it doesn't matter. Every month you get paid!
For ppl that want to contact me
PM me
Post here
MSN: (prefered)
AIM: liamizdabest (prefered)
Thanks Everyone
P.S. Check out my website